In this episode of As The Rotor Turns, hosts Carlos, Trish, Jason and Amanda provide another teaser on where Jason got the nickname "The Hippo". How to cancel yourself in today's cancel culture, especially if your name is Mitchell, and why no one breaks up with us on social media. On a serious note the crew discusses the dangers of flight medicine, helicopter safety, crash footage and social media, and how the latest crash in Florida involving a Broward Sheriff Fire Rescue helicopter hit an apartment building structurally and emotionally hit close to home.
The opinions and views shared here on As The Rotor Turns are strictly those of the hosts and do not reflect the professional capabilities of The Rescue Company 1, Southeastern Medical Academy, or the amazing Dr. Benjamin Abo. In fact they are not the opinion of any doctor unless you are an actor and only play a doctor on TV, but even then they might not even be our opinion. The bottom line is anything on this show is only the opinions of the hosts and should only be listened to in the presence of an adult as we are not even speakerphone approved. Any medical information shared is not instruction and should not be used in place of your local protocols. ALWAYS FOLLOW YOUR PROTOCOLS AND POLICIES and don't forget to floss!
#ceu #ceus #criticalcare #paramedic #fpc #ccpc #trc1 #thatothersmaylive #ctrn #cfrn #rn #cen #tncc #flightnurse #flightmedic #hems #swet #huet #aha #airmedical #BrowardCounty #helicopter #cancelculture #rescues #watersurvival #tpc #socialmedia #airmedicine #emt #emtp #sar