On this episode of As The Rotor Turns Carlos and Trish take on the subject of medical errors with some jaw dropping statistics as well as why victims never get an apology. They also debate on the business side of healthcare and how to run a hospital like a business, who should be in medical administration, HR, and who is and who should be qualified to fill those positions. They butt heads a little, but it is real, unfiltered, unedited and full of some great info and points of view from Trish as a hospital nurse and Carlos as and EMS provider. This one is a must listen.
The opinions and views shared here on As The Rotor Turns are strictly those of the hosts and do not reflect the professional capabilities of The Rescue Company 1 or the amazing Dr. Benjamin Abo. Any medical information shared is not instruction and should not be used in place of your local protocols. ALWAYS FOLLOW YOUR PROTOCOLS AND POLICIES!
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